# loveutils Basic love2D utility librairies. Contain kinda-sorted bits of codes that I use on my own project To use it just add the "loveutils" folder where you want and just add this piece of code : ````loveutils = require "loveutils"```` ## loveutils.math All the math functions ### loveutils.math.sign ````y = loveutils.math.sign(x)```` return the sign of x (0 if x is 0) ### loveutils.math.round ````y = loveutils.math.round(x)```` return a rounded version of x (is equal to math.floor if x < .5 and to math.ceil if x ≥ 5) ### loveutils.math.vector ````vecx, vecy = loveutils.math.vector(x1, y1, x2, y2)```` return the vector notation of two set of coordinates ### loveutils.math.getMiddlePoint ````midx, midy = loveutils.math.getMiddlePoint(x1, y1, x2, y2)```` return the point exactly at the middle of two points ### loveutils.math.pointDistance ````distance = loveutils.math.pointDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2)```` return the distance between two points ### loveutils.math.pointDirection ````angle = loveutils.math.pointDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2)```` return the angle between two points ### loveutils.math.numberToString ````string = loveutils.math.numberToString(x, lenght)```` return a string corresponding to the x numbers with at least *lenght* digit (for instance loveutils.math.numberToString(1, 3) will return "001") ### loveutils.math.floorCoord ````x, y = loveutils.math.floorCoord(x, y)```` return both floored coordinate ### loveutils.math.pixeliseCoord ````x, y = loveutils.math.floorCoord(x, y, floor)```` return x and y, pixelisated with a factor of *factor*, useful if you are making a tile detection system, for instance. ## loveutils.graphics all my graphics manipulation functions ### loveutils.graphics.resetColor ````loveutils.graphics.resetColor()```` return nothing reset love current drawing color to love.graphics.setColor(1,1,1,1) ### loveutils.graphics.box(x, y, w, h) ````loveutils.graphics.box(x, y, w, h)```` return nothing draw an half-transparent box with solid outline ### loveutils.graphics.print(text, x, y, align, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) ````loveutils.graphics.print(text, x, y, align, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky)```` return nothing like love.graphics.print, but with alignement support. ### loveutils.graphics.printWithSpacing(text, x, y, align, spacing, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) ````loveutils.graphics.printWithSpacing(text, x, y, align, spacing)```` draw a text like loveutils.graphics.print, but with support of spacing : each character will have a space of "spacing" between them. (doesn't support for the moment angle, spacing, etc.)