-- core/options.lua :: The options loading/saving system. Is used by the other -- modules to save their settings. --[[ Copyright © 2019 Kazhnuz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] local OptionsManager = Object:extend() local binser = require("birb.libs.binser") local TRANSLATION_PATH = "datas/languages/" -- INIT FUNCTIONS -- Initialize and configure the game options function OptionsManager:new(controller) self.controller = controller -- We begin by creating an empty data table before reading the data. self.data = {} self:read() end function OptionsManager:reset() -- Reset the option to the game defaults. self.data.video = {} self.data.video.crtfilter = false self.data.video.resolution = 1 self.data.video.border = true self.data.video.vsync = true self.data.video.fullscreen = false -- We load the default files self.data.input = self:getInputDefaultData() -- TODO: have a way to auto-load a language according to the OS ? self.data.language = self:getTranslationDefaultData() self.data.audio = {} self.data.audio.music = 100 self.data.audio.sfx = 100 end -- INFO FUNCTIONS -- Get informations from the option managers function OptionsManager:getFile(absolute) local dir = "" if absolute then dir = love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory() .. "/" if not utils.filesystem.exists(dir) then love.filesystem.createDirectory( "" ) end end local filepath = dir .. "options.data" return filepath end function OptionsManager:getInputDefaultData() local _path = "datas/inputs.lua" local datas = {} local fileinfo = love.filesystem.getInfo(_path) if fileinfo ~= nil then datas = require "datas.inputs" else datas = {} end return datas end function OptionsManager:getPlayerInputData(id) local _playerInputData = self.data.input[id] if _playerInputData == nil then _playerInputData = {} _playerInputData.keys = {} end return _playerInputData end function OptionsManager:getInputData() return self.data.input end function OptionsManager:setInputKey(sourceid, padkey, key) if self.data.input[sourceid] ~= nil then if self.data.input[sourceid].keys[padkey] ~= nil then self.data.input[sourceid].keys[padkey] = key end end end -- Lang data function OptionsManager:getTranslationDefaultData() local _path = TRANSLATION_PATH .. "init.lua" local fileinfo = love.filesystem.getInfo(_path) local datas = nil if fileinfo ~= nil then lang = require(TRANSLATION_PATH) lang.current = lang.default or "en" lang.path = TRANSLATION_PATH end return lang end function OptionsManager:setLanguage(lang) if (self.controller.lang:isLangAvailable(lang)) then self.data.language.current = lang self.controller.lang:getTranslationData() end end -- DATA HANDLING FUNCTIONS -- Save and get data from the savefile -- FIXME: maybe subclass a special module for that ? function OptionsManager:write() local data = self:getData() filepath = self:getFile(true) binser.writeFile(filepath, data) end function OptionsManager:read() filepath = self:getFile(true) if utils.filesystem.exists("options.data") then local loadedDatas = binser.readFile(filepath) self.controller.debug:print("core/options", "data file found, loading it") self:setData(loadedDatas[1]) else self:reset() self.controller.debug:print("core/options", "no data file found, reseting data") end end function OptionsManager:getData(data) return self.data end function OptionsManager:setData(data) self.data = data end return OptionsManager