local Base = require "birb.modules.world.actors.actor2D" local Player = Base:extend() function Player:new(world, x, y, id) Player.super.new(self, world, "player", x, y, 16, 24, true) self:setSprite("player", true, 8, 12) self:setGravity(480) self.isPunching = false self.direction = 1 self.startx, self.starty = self.x, self.y self.isDead = false self.punchName = "" self:setHitboxFile("scenes.gameplay.plateform.actors.hitboxes.player") end function Player:updateStart(dt) self.xfrc = 480*3 if self.keys["up"].isPressed and (self.onGround) then self.ysp = -280 end if self.keys["down"].isDown then self.mainHitbox:modify(0, 8, 16, 16) else self.mainHitbox:modify(0, 0, 16, 24) end if self.keys["left"].isDown and (not self.isPunching) then self.xsp = -120 end if self.keys["right"].isDown and (not self.isPunching) then self.xsp = 120 end if self.keys["A"].isDown then self.isPunching = true else self.isPunching = false end if (self.isPunching) then self:applyHitboxesCollisions() end if self.keys["start"].isPressed then --self.world:switchActivity() --self.assets:switchActivity() self.scene.menusystem:activate() self.scene.menusystem:switchMenu("PauseMenu") self.scene:flushKeys() end self:setDirection(self.xsp) end function Player:updateEnd(dt) self:setAnimation() local width, height = self.world:getDimensions() if (self.y > height + self.h) and (self.isDead == false) then self:addTimer("respawn", 1) self.isDead = true end end function Player:setAnimation() self.sprite:setCustomSpeed(math.abs(self.xsp) / 12) if (self.isPunching) then self.sprite:changeAnimation("punch", false) else if (self.onGround) then if math.abs(self.xsp) > 0 then self.sprite:changeAnimation("walk", false) else self.sprite:changeAnimation("idle", true) end else self.sprite:changeAnimation("jump", true) end end end function Player:setDirection(direction) direction = direction or 0 if direction ~= 0 then direction = utils.math.sign(direction) self.direction = direction self.sprite:setScallingX(direction) end end function Player:timerResponse(timer) if timer == "respawn" then self.x, self.y = self.startx, self.starty self.xspeed = 0 self.yspeed = 0 self.isDead = false end end function Player:collisionResponse(collision) if collision.other.type == "coin" then collision.other.owner:takeCoin(self) end end function Player:hitboxResponse(name, type, collision) if (collision.other.type == "coin") and (type == "punch") then collision.other.owner:takeCoin(self) end end function Player:draw() Player.super.draw(self) self:drawHitboxes() utils.graphics.resetColor() end function Player:drawHUD(id) love.graphics.print(id .. " test", 4, 4) end return Player