local ParentMap = Object:extend() -- INIT FUNCTION -- Initialize the map function ParentMap:new(world, r, g, b) self.world = world local r = r or 128 local g = g or 128 local b = b or 128 self.backgroundColor = {r, g, b} self:setPadding() self:register() end function ParentMap:register() self.world.map = self end function ParentMap:setPadding(x1, y1, x2, y2) local padding = {} padding.x1 = x1 or 0 padding.y1 = y1 or padding.x1 padding.x2 = x2 or padding.x1 padding.y2 = y2 or padding.y1 self.padding = padding end -- UPDATE FUNCTION -- Update or modify the map function ParentMap:resize(w, h) -- Empty Placeholder function end function ParentMap:update(dt) -- Empty Placeholder function end function ParentMap:loadObjects() self:loadCollisions() self:loadPlayers() self:loadActors() end function ParentMap:loadCollisions() -- Empty Placeholder function end function ParentMap:loadPlayers() -- Empty Placeholder function end function ParentMap:loadActors() -- Empty Placeholder function end function ParentMap:setBackgroundColor(r, g, b) local r = r or 128 local g = g or 128 local b = b or 128 self.backgroundColor = {r, g, b} end function ParentMap:setBackgroundColorFromTable(backgroundColor) self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor or {128, 128, 128} end function ParentMap:getBackgroundColor() return self.backgroundColor[1]/256, self.backgroundColor[2]/256, self.backgroundColor[3]/256 end function ParentMap:getPadding() return self.padding.x1, self.padding.y1, self.padding.x2, self.padding.y2 end function ParentMap:getDimensions() return core.screen:getDimensions() end function ParentMap:getBox() local x1, y1, x2, y2 = self:getPadding() local w, h = self:getDimensions() return -x1, -y1, w+x2, h+y2 end function ParentMap:drawBackgroundColor() local r, g, b = self.backgroundColor[1], self.backgroundColor[2], self.backgroundColor[3] love.graphics.setColor(r/256, g/256, b/256) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, 480, 272) utils.graphics.resetColor() end return ParentMap