-- scenes/world :: a world scene, able to handle actors that'll act like -- in a videogame world, using a bump2D/3D engine. -- Actors are technically all 3D, but can work as simple 2D objects --[[ Copyright © 2024 Kazhnuz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] local Scene = require "framework.scenes.minimal" local World = Scene:extend() local Bump = require("framework.libs.bump") local Bump3D = require("framework.libs.bump-3dpd") local Sti = require("framework.scenes.world.maps.tiled") local Camera = require("framework.scenes.world.camera.minimal") local Vector3D = require "framework.libs.brinevector3D" local function _tryFunction(toUpdate, dt, func) if (toUpdate ~= nil) then func(dt) end end function World:new(datas) assert(self.def ~= nil, "Definition not found, world should be created with the function world()") self:_initActorList(self.def.actorPath) local map = self.def.defaultMap if (datas ~= nil) then map = datas.map or self.def.defaultMap end self:_initMap(map) self.actors = {} self.bodies = Bump3D.newWorld(50) self.shapes = Bump.newWorld(50) self.camera = Camera(self, self.def.camera) World.super.new(self) self:_load() end function World:onLoad() end function World:update(dt) _tryFunction(self.map, dt, function(dt) self.map:update(dt) end) _tryFunction(self.player, dt, function(dt) self.player:updateActor(dt) end) _tryFunction(self.camera, dt, function(dt) self.camera:update(dt) end) for _, actor in ipairs(self.actors) do -- TODO: use camera to handle which actor are updated or updatable actor:updateActor(dt) end end function World:draw() self.camera:attachView() self:drawLowerLayers() self:drawShapes() self:drawUpperLayers() self.camera:detachView() if (self.player ~= nil) then self.player:drawHUD() end end function World:drawUpperLayers() if (self.map ~= nil) then self.map:drawUpperLayers() end end function World:drawLowerLayers() if (self.map ~= nil) then self.map:drawLowerLayers() end end function World:addPlayer(x, y, z) self:addActor("player", { x = x, y = y, z = z }) end -- Callbacks -- Pass some callbacks to the player -- Map handling -- TODO function World:_initMap(map) if (map ~= nil) then print("Map " .. map .. " will be loaded") self.map = Sti(self, map) end end function World:_load() if (self.map ~= nil) then print("loading objects...") self.map:loadObjects() end self:onLoad() end function World:getBox() local x, y, w, h if (self.map ~= nil) then x, y, w, h = self.map:getBox() else x, y = 0, 0 w, h = core.screen:getDimensions() end return {x = x, y = y, z = 0}, {w = w, h = h, d = 1} end -- ActorList Handling -- Handle which actor can be loaded function World:_initActorList(actorPath) assert(actorPath ~= nil, "The actorPath variable must be set and contain the path where the actor can be loaded") self.actorPath = actorPath self.index = {} self.obj = {} self:_indexActors() self:_prepareActorObject("gfx") end function World:_prepareActorObject(name) local Actor = require("framework.scenes.world.actors." .. name) self.obj[name] = Actor end function World:_getActorObject(name) if (self.obj[name] ~= nil) then return self.obj[name] else local Actor = require(self.actorPath .. "." .. name) self.obj[name] = Actor return Actor end end function World:_indexActors(pathToCheck, parent) if (pathToCheck == nil) then pathToCheck = string.gsub(self.actorPath, "%.", "/") .. "/" end if (parent == nil) then parent = "" end self:_scanFolder(pathToCheck, parent) end function World:_scanFolder(path, parent) local files = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(path) for i, file in ipairs(files) do local filepath = path .. file if (love.filesystem.getInfo(filepath).type == "file") then local data = love.filesystem.newFileData(filepath) local extension = data:getExtension() local fileName = string.sub(file, 1, #file - #extension - 1) if (extension == "lua") then self.index[parent .. fileName] = true --print(filepath, parent .. fileName) end else self:_scanFolder(path .. file .. "/", parent .. file .. ".") end end end -- Actor handling -- Make it easy to handle actors function World:isActorIndexed(name) if (self.obj[name] ~= nil) then return true end return (self.index[name] == true) --return worldUtils.isModuleAvailable(self.actorPath .. "." .. name) end function World:newActor(name, x, y, z, properties, mapname) -- TODO: handle properties, especially for gizmos return self:addActor(name, { x = x, y = y, z = z }) end function World:addActor(name, position) local Actor = self:_getActorObject(name) if (name == "player") then self.player = Actor(self, position) else table.insert(self.actors, Actor(self, position)) end end function World:removeActor(actor) for i,v in ipairs(self.actors) do if v == actor then table.remove(self.actors, i) end end end -- Bodies handling -- Handle collisions and stuff. They're handled in 3D by default local function _getBodyPosition(body) if (body.getPosition ~= nil) then return body:getPosition() else return body.position end end function World:isCollisionIndexed(name) return (self.def.collisions ~= nil and self.def.collisions[name] ~= nil) end function World:newCollision(name, x, y, z, w, h, d) local bodyDef = self.def.collisions[name] local body = { name = name, type = bodyDef.type, position = Vector3D(x, y, z or 0), dimensions = { w = w, h = h, d = d or 1 }, isSolid = bodyDef.isSolid, } self:registerBody(body) end function World:registerBody(body) local position = _getBodyPosition(body) return self.bodies:add(body, position.x, position.y, position.z, body.dimensions.w, body.dimensions.h, body.dimensions.d) end function World:updateBody(body) local position = _getBodyPosition(body) return self.bodies:update(body, position.x, position.y, position.z, body.dimensions.w, body.dimensions.h, body.dimensions.d) end function World:removeBody(body) return self.bodies:remove(body) end function World:checkCollisionAtPoint(body, position, filter) local x, y, z, cols, collNumber = self.bodies:check(body, position.x, position.y, position.z, filter) return Vector3D(x, y, z or 0), cols, collNumber end -- Shape handling -- Handle shapes, which make know what object is visible or not function World:registerShape(actor) local position, dimensions = actor:getShape() return self.shapes:add(actor, position.x, position.y, dimensions.w, dimensions.h) end function World:updateShape(actor) local position, dimensions = actor:getShape() return self.shapes:update(actor, position.x, position.y, dimensions.w, dimensions.h) end function World:removeShape(actor) return self.shapes:remove(actor) end function World:checkShapeIntersection(actor, position) return self.shapes:check(actor, position.x, position.y) end function World:getShapeInRect(position, dimensions) return self.shapes:queryRect(position.x, position.y, dimensions.w, dimensions.h) end function World:drawShapes() local position, dimensions = self.camera:getViewCoordinate() local shapes = self:getShapeInRect(position, dimensions) for _, shape in ipairs(shapes) do shape:draw() end end return World